Creating Provisional Records
Under Resources -> Open Metadata Editor.
In the File tab, select New -> MARC21 Bibliographic
A template will be created.
Edit the LDR field to fill in encoding level = 7
Put your cursor in the LDR field.
In the Edit tab, select Open form editor (or click CTRL+F).
Encoding level (17) -> from pull down menu, select 7 – minimal level
To close form editor, Edit -> Close form editor (or click the Esc key)
Edit the 008 field to fill in date and language of the material
The publication date (Date 1) is the last box on the top row.
Language (35-37) is at the bottom middle of the expanded form editor. English is the default. If your material is in a language other than English, choose from the pull down list. You can type the first letter to minimize scrolling.
To close, Edit -> Close form editor (or click the Esc key)
To add a field that is not on the template, choose Edit -> Add field which puts a blank field below where your cursor is located.
Basic fields for a provisional record:
Information | Field/Tag | Indicators | Data and subfields |
ISBN | 020 | Blank | $$a ISBN $$q (paperback, cloth, etc.) *no dashes or spaces |
Author | 100 | 1 blank | $$a Last, First, $$d birth date. |
Title | 245 | *See note | $$a Main title : $$b subtitle / $$c author or editor as appears on title page. |
Publisher | 260 | Blank | $$a Place of publication : $$ Publisher, $$c Date |
Edition(optional) | 250 | Blank | $$a Edition statement from somewhere on the book |
Series (optional) | 490/830 | **See note | $$a Series statement ; $$v caption number |
Notes (optional) | 500 | Blank | $$a Note. $$5 TNJ |
*Note: the first indicator is 1 or 0, the second indicator is the number of non-filing characters.
First indicator: 1 if there is a 100 field, 0 if there is no 100 field. 1 means author main entry; 0 means title main entry.
Non-filing indicator: count the letters in the word you want to skip and add one more for the space after the word. Examples: The = 4 , A = 2 , An = 3, Die = 4, La = 3.
**Note: the series is usually optional, but if you need to add series information, use either the 490 (unauthorized form) or the 830 (authorized form found on the series authority record). If using the 490, the first indicator is 0, second blank. If using the 830, the first indicator is blank, the second indicator is 0.
When you are finished, go to File -> Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R) on the MD editor toolbar.
008 ######s2018####xx######r#####000#0#eng#d
020 123123123123 $$q (cloth)
100 1 $$a Smith, John, $$d 2000-
245 14 $$a The book I wrote : $$b a novel / $$c by John Smith.
250 $$a First edition.
260 $$a Nashville : $$b Vanity Press, $$c 2018.
490 0 $$a Vanity Press special Tennessee publications ; $$v volume 77
500 $$a Vanderbilt University Special Collections copy has hand-drawn plates of author’s childhood home rendered in crayon. $$5 TNJ
830 $$a Vanity Press special Tennessee publications ; $$v v. 77.
Ignore other fields provided that you don’t use.
Click the Save Icon (highlighted below) when you are finished.
Alma view:

Examples of 1xx:
100:1 : Shakespeare, William, $$ d1564-1616.
100:1 : Christiansen, Carl, $$d born 1884.
100:1 : Streep, Meryl.
245 : first indicator 1 or 0 : The choice of the first indicator is not important — your choice will not affect anything, as long as it is a valid number for this field, either 1 or 0. If you want to be correct, use 1st indicator 1 if there is also a 1xx field on the record. Use 1st indicator 0 if there is no 1xx field.
Second indicator the number of nonfiling characters/digits in the title.
The choice of the 2nd indicator is important — it will effect whether the title can be searched in a browse search or not. If there is a leading article (such as: a, an, the, der, die, das, el, la, los, las, le, l’, les, il, lo, [Portuguese: o, a, os, as, um, uma] etc.), count the number of characters in the article plus the space following for the second indicator value. Example: for The, the indicator would be 4.
NOTE on the 245: use the title page to transcribe the title information, not the cover unless there is no title page. The other parts of the 245 are listed below:
Subtitle information: after the title proper, on the same line, type a space colon and subfield b ( : $$b ) followed by the subtitle. Do not capitalize the first word, unless it is a proper name or a German noun. This subfield b does not repeat. If there is more than one subtitle, just separate it with another space colon space.
Statement of responsibility: after the subtitle (or after the title proper when there is no subtitle), add the author information found on the title page by typing a space slash subfield c ( / $$c ) and the statement of responsibility just as it appears on the title page. Transcribe the author’s name just as it appears including any words such as “by” “von” “edited with an introduction” etc.
Examples of 245:
245:10: :$$a Dancing in the street : $$b Motown and the cultural politics of Detroit / $$cSuzanne E. Smith.
245:04: :$$a The Wall Street journal.
245:10: :$$a All that jazz / $$c Fats Waller.
245:10: :$$a Liebling Kreuzberg : $$b der Verbieter : Roman / $$cvon Horst Friedrichs.
245:00: :$$a Venetian views, Venetian blinds : $$b English fantasies of Venice / $$c edited by Manfred Pfister.
245:00: :$$a St. Petersburg : $$b multimedia album.
245:00: Young Frankenstein / $$c directed by Mel Brooks.
245:00: :$$a Infotrac Web.
245:13: :$$a “…Jill ran up the hill” : $$b a play / $$c by Jack Felldown.
Publication information: 260 field, with both indicators blank, was used prior to RDA and is still OK to use. The new, preferred, field for publication information is 264 with second indicator 1.
$$a type the Place as it appears on the piece. Transcribe from the language it appears in, do not translate into English. Then type space colon space
$$b followed by the Publisher. Type a comma after the name of the publisher followed by subfield c
$$c and the Date of publication.
NOTE: You can use publication information found anywhere on your piece.
If there is no place of publication listed anywhere that you can find, type in brackets [Place of publication not identified]. If you cannot find any publisher listed, type in brackets [publisher not identified] If you can’t find a date you can guess at one, if you have a good idea, and put your guess in brackets [2018?]. If you really do not know when the item may have been published, type in brackets [date of publication not identified].
Examples of 260:
260: : $$a New York : $$b Orchard, $$c 1999.
260: : $$a London : $$b Macmillan, $$c [1999?]
260: : $$a Moskva : $$b Mosty Kultury : $$b Gesharim, $$c 1999.
260: : $$a Moskva : $$b [Place of publication not identified], $$c [date of publication not identified]
If there is a prominent series on the piece, especially if it is numbered, you should record it. The 490 is for recording series as it appears on the piece. The 830 is for the authorized form of the series, if you know this form.
If you do not know, or will not look up the authorized form of the series, use the 490 first indicator 0, second blank to record the series.
Examples of series:
490:0 : $$a Fischer Taschenbucher ; $$v Nr. 4502
490:0 : $$a Modern Library of the world’s best books
830: 0: $$a Wissenschaft und Gegenwart ; $$v Nr. 10
830: 0: $$a Criterion collection ; $$v 143.