951 codes for catalogers (current and historical)

This list is comprised of the various unique cataloger codes that were used to monitor cataloging statistics in the context of the 951 field in bibliographic records over several different ILS systems. As such, these codes can be found in both current and legacy records. This list should be updated whenever any new staff person responsible for cataloging is hired or any staff person responsible for cataloging leaves employment at the university. In the event that a person used two different codes over time, the most recent one is in bold.

The following is an example of one of these codes in context, where “pw” refers to cataloger Pete Wilson:

951 _ _ me;pw;052024

Current? Name
951 Code Notes
Adams, Melanie Márquez mma
Atack, Becky ba Also cataloged for Shirley Watts at the Music Library
Bante, Teri
Barnette, Ann ab
Bell, Susan sb
Y Bell, Suzanne ssb
Y Benda, Chris cpb Divinity Library
Y Benda, Yuh-Fen yfs originally Yuh-Fen Shu
Berry, Regina gb
Boggess-Korekach, Nancy nbk, nb
Y Breeding, Zora zb, zo
Breen, Rita rb
Brown, Jill jb Divinity Library
Y Calise, Sarah sc Special Collections
Y Chavez, Denise dc
Coady, Tim tc Government Documents
Y Craddock, Angel tac, tab
Crawford, Eileen ec
Cunningham, Alice ac
Curd, Keith kc
Davis, Linda ld
Dawes, Anne amd now Anne Martin
Dickson, Brannen A. bad
Dirksen, Caty cd
Ercelawn, Ann ae
Fay, Amanda atf
Garcia Suarez, Karen P. kgs
Gick, Catherine ccg Music Library
Government Documents Students (collectively) gov Government Documents
Grantham, Diane dg
Hand, Linda lh
Huffer, Sherry sah
Jones, Don dj
Y Keen, Machelle amk Science Library
Y Jones, Michael mcj Music Library
Kurowski, Bryan btk
Lavenda, Rachel rl Special Collections
Y Loree, Erin eel
Lasater, Mary Charles mcl
Ma, Kathy km
Y McGuire, Logan lrm
McClure, Cheryl cam
Melo, Karen de kam, kan
Morgan, John jm
Murray, Rich ram
Y Oakley, Rachel ro
Ott, Michelle mno also Michelle Nielsen-Ott
Nordstrom, Steven sn Music Library
Norman, John jn
Poremski, Molly Dahl mp, md
Porter, Joy jp Government Documents
Power, Laurie lp
Rhoades, Melissa mr
Riddick, Norma nr
Y Saddler, Sara ss Law Library
Schaeffer, Susan sas unclear
Y Schaub, Jake js Music Library
Y Sanchez, Monica ms unclear
Scott, Michael mrs
Sheridan, Martina ms Law Library
Special Collections Temp sct
Sterkenburg, Sara sas
Stewart-Mailhiot, Amy
Stringfellow, Will ws Government Documents
Y Sun, Dajin ds
Y Sweat, Thanita ts Eskind Biomedical Library
Tarpley, Van
Y Taylor, Jeff jt
Y Waldrop, Chris
Y Weldy, Greg gw
Williams, Debbie dw
Y Wilson, Pete pw
Wright, Jean jww unclear
Y Zalusky, Alicia az
Zhong, Yan-Xia xyz
Yankee Book Peddler
Arabic, outsourced

(updated 5/2/2024)