Record merging in Alma–MARC fields affected

When merging (or “copy and merging”) bibliographic records, Vanderbilt’s instance of Alma relies on the merge rule “OverlayAllFieldsButVULocal”. This rule specifies how the following MARC fields will be treated in any such record merge and by which conditions. This list should be updated whenever a change to the merge rule is made. Any fields that are not listed will presumably be overwritten if a record is merged.

MARC Field Retained from old record? Conditions Notes
001 Y
014 Y
035 Y When contains van_inst, SIRSI, Sirsi, or ExL
049 Y
066 Y
098 Y
500 Y When contains $5 TNJ
501 Y
505 Y When contains $5 TNJ Added 5/5/2022
506 Y
520 Y When contains $5 TNJ
533 Y When contains $5 TNJ
540 Y Added 6/17/2021
541 Y
563 Y Added 3/6/2025
583 Y When contains $5 TNJ
590 Y
600, 610, 611, 650, 651, 655 N Deleted if contains $2 fast
600, 610, 611, 650, 651, 655 Y When contains $5 TNJ Added 8/19/2022
700, 710, 711, 730 Y When contains $5 TNJ
773 Y
774 Y
780 Y
800, 810, 811, 830 Y When contains $5 TNJ
856 Y When contains $5 TNJ Added 12/12/2022
938 N
948 N
all other 9XX Y

Added 3/6/2025 by JSch at the request of the cataloging group.