Decision to use the VE version of Primo

What was decided upon? (e.g. what has been updated or changed?) Decision to use the VE version of Primo

Why was this decided? (e.g. explain why this decision was reached. It may help to explain the way a procedure used to be handled pre-Alma) “The option for PrimoVE was presented after the initial kick-off. The Implementation team liked the idea of being able to immediately view updates in catalog records. Several concerns were expressed about the limited ability to create/edit normalization rules. Many conversations between the Implementation team (mainly Jake) about the name/title search issue, resulted in a commitment from Ex Libris to implement the change for our environment. After several additional conversations between the Implementation team, Ex libris, PSI, and DPP the library selected PrimoVE. The primary reasons were:

PrimoVE is the direction that Ex Libris is attempting to move libraries.
PrimoVE is being developed quickly with monthly updates.
PrimoVE will reduce some of the management overhead.
Although we MAY not have external collections available day one, the core catalog will be. This is an acceptable risk/delay.
Most of the recommendations from the UI group can be available in VE day one.
Since we are one of the largest libraries moving to VE, the feeling is that we will have greater influence.”

Who decided this? (e.g. what unit/group) ILS Implementation Team

When was this decided?

Additional information or notes.