What was decided upon? (e.g. what has been updated or changed?) Change “Availability” to “Show only”: Peer-reviewed Journals, Held By Library, etc.
Why was this decided? (e.g. explain why this decision was reached. It may help to explain the way a procedure used to be handled pre-Alma)
“Availability” implies circulation status, not what that facet is really doing. Also, since we use the phrase “available online” in the expanded menu there, it is a little redundant. How others handle it: Harvard: Show only; Mannheim: Show only; Colorado Mines: Show only; CUHK Availability; SMU: Availability; BL: Access Options. Request to change “Availability” to “Show only” to make it clear that this is a filtering function. Request to have the option to eliminate “Online” (this is the only one that is not limitable). Expanded menu options were recommended by Special Collections and approved by the subject librarians/ILS UI.
Who decided this? (e.g. what unit/group) User Interface
When was this decided?
Additional information or notes.