Creating Bindery Purchase Orders and Invoices

Creating Bindery Purchase Orders and Invoices

Note: Each binding shipment will have one purchase order (order line) for each type of work product (digicovers, periodical binding, etc) per library. The number of POs per shipment varies based on what the library has sent to binding. Each library has a unique vendor account based on the type of work being done. This account number appears on the invoice.

Creating a new PO:

  1. Search for MMS ID 991043474063203276 (Binding Orders) to bring up the bib record that the orders will be placed on in Alma.
  2. On the right side of the screen, click Order and make the following selections:
    1. Order Type = Other Service – One Time
    2. PO Line Owner = Acquisitions
    3. Load from template = select based on the library/materials you are purchasing
  3. Click Create PO line button in upper right (you may receive a message that there are active orders). Click Confirm. <if no appropriate template exists, ask for assistance in creating one>
  4. Review the order. Since you are ordering from a template, the vendor with correct account number, fund, and acquisition method are preselected, but doublecheck that they are correct.
  5. Enter the amount of the order in the List Price field and then click TAB. This updates the order.
  6. Click Redistribute Lines in the Funding section. This will update the encumbrance on the fund.
  7. Click Save and Continue. You will receive a message that there are active orders, record is brief, and that reporting codes are missing. Ignore these and click Confirm.
  8. The PO line number created appears at the top of the screen in a blue shaded area. Make note of the PO line number. Search by POL and bring up the order.
  9. Click Order Now, which will create the PO number.

The order is now ready and the funds should be encumbered.

Creating and Paying the Invoice

  1. Click on Acquisitions>Create Invoice
  2. Select Invoice Creation = Manually and click Next
  3. Enter required information
    1. Invoice number and Date
    2. Enter vendor number and then select the correct vendor account corresponding to what is on the invoice.
    3. Enter invoice total amount, then hit TAB.
    4. Payment Method = Accounting Department (Default)
  4. Click Save and Create Invoice lines (most bindery invoices will be a single line invoice). Invoice status now becomes “In Review”
  5. Click “Add Invoice Line” and in the pop-up window, add the following.
    1. Type = Binding
    2. PO line = enter the PO Line number you are paying
    3. Price = if only entering one invoice line the price will be the total invoice amount. Hit TAB
    4. Quantity = Amount of pieces in shipment
  6. Click Redistribute Line
  7. Click Add and Close.
  8. If invoice is complete and there are no errors or alerts, click Save and Continue If not, click Save and continue working. Save and Continue moves the order “In Approval”.
  9. Put invoice in Approval basket