“Bound With” Records in Alma
There are two ways to create a “bound with” record:
- Use the 773 to link a parent bib and a child bib from within the child record.
- Use the 774 to link a parent bib and a child bib from within the parent record.
The “children” that are bound within do not have item records and are not searchable under the “Physical Title” search; you have to use the “All Titles” search.
Example for “Child record” with a bibliographic bound-with note.
-Must use “All Titles” search.
-Note that there are no holdings or items listed for the child record:
The 773 field shows the parent title:
Example for a “parent” record:
-Searching “All Titles” for parent title brings up both parent and child records:
-774 field in the bibliographic record would show information for child title.