What was decided upon? (e.g. what has been updated or changed?) New Search, Databases A-Z, Browse Search, Library Hours, Journal Titles A-Z, Research Guides, ILL Request, Ask Us (in order)
Why was this decided? (e.g. explain why this decision was reached. It may help to explain the way a procedure used to be handled pre-Alma)
We asked survey participants to select their 5 top quick links. Options were identified through the UI Committee search of peer institutions. Options were: a. Journals; b. New Search; c. Research Guides (could feature a link to Leganto?); d. Ask a Librarian; e. Citation Linker/Known Item Search (phrasing?); f. Library Home; g. BrowZine (or other); h. Interlibrary Loan/Purchase Request. Top choices were: 1. New Search (3.6482) (1) 2. Library Home (4.3702) (1); 3. Databases A-Z (4.4347) (3); 4. Browse (4.6697) (2); 5. Journal Titles A-Z (4.7834) (5); 6. Interlibrary Loan (5.0983) (4); 7. Ask Us (5.5499) (5 & 7); 8. Research Guides (5.8280) (8); 9. Purchase Request (6.6175) (9). Research Guides were bumped up by librarian advisory committee. The library/ILS UI committee thought the Library logo should suffice and should send users to the library home page, not the UI. A Home Page quick link is not needed.
Who decided this? (e.g. what unit/group) User Interface
When was this decided?
Additional information or notes.